A control that offers multiline, editable text input.
is a multiline, editable text input control with a lot of customisation options.
let textArea = TextArea()
The text that’s shown by the control.
textInput.text = "This is a simple text that can cover multiple lines if the control is too small to fit everything on one line."
The placeholder text that’s shown when no text has been entered. Placeholder text is shown in a light gray color.
textInput.placeholder = "Type something..."
If true, the control will be red. Use this property if something’s wrong and the text area control needs a user’s attention.
textInput.hasError = true
If false, the control will not react to user interaction and will have a light gray color.
textInput.isEnabled = false
If true, the control has a blue border.
textInput.isHighlighted = true
The custom input view to display when the receiver becomes the first responder. The default value is nil, resulting in the system-supplied keyboard to be used.
textInput.inputView = customView
An accessory view for to the system-supplied keyboard or the custom input view.
textInput.inputAccessoryView = customAccessoryView
The specific keyboard that should be used for this control.
textInput.keyboardType = .numberPad
The appearance style of the keyboard.
textInput.keyboardAppearance = .dark
The visible title of the return key.
textInput.returnKeyType = .done
The semantic meaning of the control.
textInput.textContentType = .emailAddress
If true, disables the user’s ability to copy the text.
textInput.isSecureTextEntry = true
If true, the keyboard disables the Return key when the text entry area contains no text. As soon as the user enters some text, the Return key is automatically enabled.
textInput.enablesReturnKeyAutomatically = true
The autocapitalization style of the control.
textInput.autocapitalizationType = .sentences
The autocorrection behavior of the control.
textInput.autocorrectionType = .yes
The spell-checking style of the control.
textInput.spellCheckingType = .no
The configuration state for smart quotes.
textInput.smartQuotesType = .yes
The configuration state for smart dashes.
textInput.smartDashesType = .yes
The configuration state for the smart insertion and deletion of space characters.
textInput.smartInsertDeleteType = .yes