
September 25, 2018

🍭 Design

  • Color changes: The color palette now contains new 100-level colors. Small changes were made to the 600 colors.
  • Figma: The Design Systems team continues to help with the migration to Figma.
  • Native: We’ve started talking with the native app teams to determine how we can best help them. Jon K. will lead the design efforts there.

đź’ľ API

  • Carousel: The bulk of the Carousel component work has been completed and is in final code review. Thanks to Mark M. for all of the help in building it.
  • Performance: Tom G. and Richard W. are exploring performance optimizations that Design Systems can help with. Explorations include decreasing font sizes, moving to Atomic, and removing unused code.
  • Image toolkit: As part of the performance work, we’re planning to introduce components that lazy load optimally sized images based on viewport and device.
  • Deprecated tp-spacer: The tp-spacer Sass function was deprecated on Sept. 11 in favor of margin and padding classes from Thumbprint Atomic or tokens from Thumbprint Tokens.
  • atomicClass prop: Daniel O. and Tom G. met with a few front-end engineers to brainstorm improvements to the atomicClass prop. You can contribute to the discussion on GitHub.
  • Bug fixes: We’ve made a large dent in our backlog, closing 19 bugs and feature requests in the past two weeks.
  • Infrastructure upgrades: We’ve updated the versions of Thumbprint dependencies including Jest, Enzyme, Gatsby, and the Thumbtack ESLint config.
  • Thumbprint Atomic migration: We’ve started the process of replacing Thumbprint Utilities with the new Atomic class equivalents in website. Background classes are complete and we are planning to wrap up this project by the end of October.