
May 7, 2019

📱 Native

  • Dan R. built a whole bunch of components for Thumbprint iOS. These components include Dropdown, TextArea, TextInput, Radio, and Checkbox.
  • Kevin B. continues to improve the accessibility of Thumbprint iOS components by adding support for Dynamic Type.
  • Mallika P. is building a Button component for Thumbprint Android.
  • Daniel O. created a JIRA board for Thumbprint Native and a component overview page on thumbprint.design that provides a high-level view of our progress.

🍭 Design

  • The Thumbtack illustration library, a cross-team effort between the Brand and Design System’s team, is nearing completion. A rollout plan will be shared soon.
  • Tom G. is testing functionality and building prototypes using Principle and Framer X. If you have a project you’d like to prototype please let him know!

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